
Saturday 20 February 2016

Noken papua

Noken Papua is one bag or traditional tools people of Papua. to meet the everyday needs of people of Papua make these as a bag to fill the food ingredients after harvest from the garden, as well as for other needs, such as payment of dowry for other tribes in Papua, and the more unique the tribe of Wamena in Papua normally puts baby boy in noken than hold the baby this is unique to Papua noken are so versatile for everyday life of people of Papua. Now this "Nokens" has become one of the cultural heritage of people of Papua are legalized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.)

The following are pictures nokeng Papuan origin and also its usefulness to the daily life of people of Papua :


Papua taking pictures of women Noken


images of women of Papua from Wamena tribe that uses the camshaft at the time after returning from the garden and harvest the crop


images of women of Papua who put her in a bag noken



two image above is one of the camshaft is usually used for the purpose Papua woman has yet to harvest the gardens and other purposes


in contrast to women, camshaft or traditional bags Papuans are usually used by men are hung in front of the chest or rotate to the left or right side, in contrast to women who generally wear camshaft in the head and hanging backwards



overview of Wamena tribe women who are making traditional bags Noken.

we need to know that the cultural heritage of Papua "Nokens" also has its own requirement for the women of Papua, which is on the corner of customary rules that every woman in Papua especially in required Wamena tribe could make nokeng bag since she was a teenager.

 one video about Noken


                                                      " AMANAI "


Wednesday 17 February 2016

Various Tribes in Papua

Island West Papua is one of the islands in Indonesia, which is also unusual for a small paradise that fall to Earth. an island in the eastern part of the Republic of Indonesia is, one of the total area of the island is greater than the islands of the republic of Indonesia, Indonesia is an archipelago of islands including the islands of Sumatra, Java, Borneo island, Sulawesi, the island Papua. one of the islands that I will give an overview is, of diverse ethnic groups in the island of Papua.

 Indonesian map

Papuan map 

Next is a description of the various major tribes of Papua :

1. Tribe Sorong (moi)

HISTORICAL RATE MOI According to the history told by the parents of indigenous, tribal civilization sliding Moi originated from two forces: namely Tamrau and Maladofok. Tamrau is as a force for Men and Maladofok is a force for Women. Tamrau and Maladofok is the second shrine Moi tribe that is believed to contain magical powers that can not be bypassed by any person, other than who has the ability and strength special.Di both places there are a number of sacred objects shaped pan, Wajang, axes, stones, dll.Because believed to be a sacred place and a center of civilization Moi tribe first in the legend of civilization tribes in Papua, so the second place is preserved and respected by the tribes Moi until sekarang.If no outsiders were trying to disrupt the Moi tribes will angry and taking action to expel the external party.

2. Tribe Manokwari (arfak)

Arfak is Arfak Mountains People who live around the city of Manokwari, West Papua province. Arfak consists of four sub-tribes, among others: 
1. Parts Hatam 
2. Parts Moilei 
3. Ethnic Meihag 
4. Parts Sohug
 Each tribe the Head of His tribe, the clan of the tribe are diverse, for example Moilei Tribe, there are clans Sayori, Ullo, ayok, Indow, Wonggor and many other clans. 5 5 tribal language means that each tribe there is one language and culture are different.

3. Tribe Fak-fak

        The origins of the town 'Fakfak' itself interpreted not only by the local community. Some say that the word 'Fakfak' was not originally pronounced in the letter 'F', but the letter 'P' so 'Fakfak' is actually a 'Pakpak'. Connotations Fakfak name is still confusing. Originally called the Pakpak Fakfak then transformed into Fakfak until today. In one of the local language, "Pakpak" be some interpreted in different ways. Based on its origins, the Fakfak identifying himself into 2 (two) categories, namely indigenous people and migrants. The original person (indegeneous people) are people who have seen there and settled in Fakfak since their early ancestors. They are often called 'country boy'. Whereas among immigrants are people who come from different places outside Fakfak, whether they come from within or from outside Papua Papua, dating to Fakfak variety of reasons. Migration went into Fakfak by among immigrants driven by economic reasons, work reasons to excuse the marriage. From the results of data collection envisaged that the indigenous tribes (indegeneous people) in Fakfak include Mbaham tribe, Ma'ta, Onim, Irarrutu, Kimbaran and Arguni. In the past, these tribes have petuanannya kingdom with its own territory. Seven regions in Fakfak petuanan is Petuanan Ati-Ati in Werpigan, Petuanan Fatagar in Fakfak, Petuanan Arguni in Arguni, Petuanan Rumbati in Rumbati, Petuanan Patipi in Patipi Sand, and Petuanan Pikpik-Sekar and Petuanan Wertuar in Kokas.

4. Tribe Biak

       These tribes inhabited the island of Biak, located in the northern Gulf of Cenderawasih in Irian Jaya. European explorers once called the Schouten Islands archipelago. Consists of two large islands, namely Pulau Biak and Noemfoor, as well as dozens of small islands around it. There is also a mention of this tribe or people Nufur Mafur (Mafoorsch). Its population is approximately 100,000 inhabitants.
Tribe language Biak Noemfoor

        Their language is classified as Papuan languages, divided into a number of dialects, such as: Dialect Ariom, Bo'o, Dwar, Fairi, Korim, Mandusir, Mofu, Opif, Padoa, Penasifu, Samberi, Sor, Sorendidori, Sundei, Wari, Wadibu and so forth.
Livelihood Tribe Biak Noemfoor

        The archipelago is very barren and not good for farming freely, because it is largely relying on his livelihood to fishing activities in the sea and rivers. Only in some places they can grow vegetables, bananas, and other fruits. They also are developing a lot of the traditional trading business with people in mainland Irian Jaya. Their merchandise is fish, salt, corn, yams, taro, tobacco, resin, iron wood, rattan, grocery items, rice.

5.  Tribe Serui

 Serui indeed unique. Most of the population was white and straight hair. A stark contrast to the people of Papua are generally black and curly hair. For new immigrants who first came to Serui, it will feel strange to see no "white people of Papua". Just like the other Papuan people, they are fluent in Serui. Even if the language of Indonesia, Papua they are very thick accent.

They were white, dubbed the "French" or Peranakan Chinese Serui. Historically, they are of Chinese descent. Their ancestors came from mainland China. These migrants have existed since the Dutch era. They generally come from southern China.

The migrants are traders who want to find a better life. They sailed to various countries. Most go through the South China Sea to the island of Natuna. From there they spread to various parts of the archipelago. The immigrants who entered Serui generally traders who compete in the area of Makassar. They then combed toward the South Moluccas and some ended up in Serui on Yapen Island Waropen.

Yapen Waropen turned out to save the incredible natural wealth. In addition to a diverse plant species, the island is inhabited crocodiles and birds of paradise. Together with the local population, the nomads were then hunt for the crocodile and bird of paradise to be sold overseas through the Dutch ships were stopped there. Serui crocodile skin origin is in great demand because of their large size and good texture.

Most migrants then chose to live and married local women. Their offspring is then born different from the natives. The combination of Chinese blood and produce offspring Serui white straight hair, curly haired white or brown-skinned and curly. Unique indeed.

6. Tribe Nabire 

A short history of Nabire district, the first will be delivered in brief description about the origin and meaning of Nabire from multiple sources / version. A description of the story of the origins and meaning of this is not to be contradicted Nabire but it is a discourse to be discussed together, it can later be known the origin and meaning of the actual Nabire.

Wate tribe Version

Based on the story of the Wate tribe, that the word "Nabire" comes from the word "Nawi" in ancient times considered the natural conditions of Nabire at that time that there are many crickets animals, especially along the time Nabire. Eventually the word "Nawi" changed mention be Nawire and eventually became "Nabire". Wate tribe consisting of a tribe that Waray, Nomei, Raiki, Tawamoni and caregiver uses one language consists of six villages and three districts. In 1958, Konstein Waray who served as village head Oyehe hand over the place / location to the Government.

Version Tribe Yerisyam

According to the version of Nabire Yerisyam rate derived from the word "Navirei" which means that the area missed or abandoned areas. The mention Navirei emerged as a name of a place already during the feast of reconciliation between ethnic Hegure dressing area and Yerisyam. Pronunciation Navirei later changed to Nabire which was officially adopted at all to buy the name of this area by the first Regent, Mr. A.K.B.P. Drs. Surojotanojo, SH (Alm). Another version of this tribe that originated from Na Wyere Nabire, which means the area lost. This understanding is related to the occurrence of an outbreak of a disease that attacks the locals, so many left Nabire Nabire returned home and become lonely eventually Citation Na Wyere be Nabire.

Version Tribe Hegure

Version of this tribe that originated from Nabire Inambre which means the coast is overgrown by plants species such as trees palms broom fibers, palm tree forest, nibun trees and other tree species. Due to the relationship / communication with the tribes entrants, over time the mention Inambre turned into Nabire.

7. Tribe Timika

 Tribal history "Kamoro"
Mimika district originally named Kokonao, where 'Kauka' means woman and 'nao' would be suicide. Kaukanao appearance of the word itself comes from Hongi War, in which all women should be killed. This district was formed on October 8, 1996. After three years of administrative status. Mimika district officially became definitive in early 2000. With this change, the Mimika is expected to grow under its own power like other regions.
Throughout the research reports of informants and various reports, there is no clear meaning of the word Kamoro, but based on the story that said Kamoro obtained from animals or animal dragons. Therefore, according to the Kamoro people, they come from the flesh of animals killed and cut in pieces by their fathers and then the meat is transformed into the Kamoro. There is another version, the common law originally came from the Kamoro Udik Kamoro River, which then spread meet along the southwest coast of Irian Jaya, which Potowaiburu into the river Otakwa.
The origins of the Kamoro has its own story of every village. There is a story that could be copied by Stephen Rahangiar (1995), which is one of the researchers who argued that the Kamoro comes from dragons located in the eastern part of the river Binar Mimika area. This story originated from, the discovery of an egg by a small child on the beach. Then sianak brought to his house. The eggs are not cooked, not too damaged, even sianak save and take care of him. A few days later the eggs hatch. The hatchlings are a dragon. Day after day, these dragons long-kelaman grow and become large and mature. The great dragons, unexpectedly takes up the entire population of the kampong, there remained only a mother who was pregnant.
After the population was burned, Komodo was resting on a river island with Binar. At that time, the mother gave birth to a boy who soon grew into a young adult. Here, the child heard the story from his mother about what happened to his family. Thus arises the intention of this child for revenge. The mother was named Mbirokateya while his son called Mbirokateyau. In an effort to kill the animals Komodo, Mbirokateyau got a hint of his ancestors through dreams. This dream began the exercise by establishing four houses in a row, from the waterfront to the ground. The first house (Kame Kewa), second homes (Kame Tauri), the third house (Kaware Kame) and the fourth house (Ema Kame). The fourth house is occupied by the mother and the first home occupied by this sianak beating drums and singing as if they were partying. This is done to give attention to the dragons, who thought that no human being again around it. This situation invited Komodo attacked the house. When the animal was devastated home, the equipment used to bombard hewanlah body which has saved sianak from house to house both the fourth and eventually die Komodo terimpa armaments. Sianak then cut the meat into four parts with the same size and throw them into the four winds. East gets first pitch and said Umuru we were then believed to have been the Asmat in Merauke. West gets a second pitch directed saying we Kamoro and finally created man Kamoro. Third pitch toward the North that finally created the mountains and fourth throw is directed to the South, saying Semopano we ultimately becoming Sempan tribe in Timika.

8. Tribe Wamena (Dani)


Papua does have its own allure and exoticism. Besides having incredible views as pemanja eyes, the tip of Indonesia's provinces also have the uniqueness of the tribe who live in it. One of them is the Dani people who inhabit a region in Baliem Valley, Wamena, Papua. Although many people refer to them as Dani, but the Dani himself referred to them as a tribe Parim. Dani tribe or tribes Parim including tribes still adhere to their beliefs. One is always salute those who have died. This is done by holding a ceremony and slaughter pigs. Dani is also one tribe in Papua are still wearing Koteka made of yellow Kunden. The women still wear clothing wah epithet derived from grass / fiber and staying in Honai-Honai (a hut thatched / reeds).

9. Tribe Jayapura (sentani)

 Sentani people have local knowledge which is the ancestral heritage that is still maintained today. One satunyan is "Elha" at Sentani people in the village Ayapo. "Elha" This is an inherent right of the Head of the ruling right wilayat (Ondoafolo) itself. Kampong Ayapo which has keondofoloan itself is divided into two major groups, among others; Reraimea group attached to Ondofolo (kweluarga Ondofolo) and groups Khouw, a device in keondofoloan. One tradition that adhered is Rokhabhia (gotong royong) is one of the customs rules in Kampung keondofoloan Ayapo. When the group reraimea experiencing grief or hold a celebration of the recording, then rokhabhiaakan do is group Khouw and vice versa but not to wrap to participate in the group reraimea rokhabhia. One of these is the tradition Rokhabhia "ELHA". 

10. Tribe Merauke (marin)


 Anim Marind people inhabiting vast plains in the southern part of West Papua, ranging from Muli strait (Selat Marianne) to the border areas of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Most of them are also scattered around watersheds Buraka, Bian, Eli, Kumbe and Maro. The area is located in the District of Okaba, Merauke, partly Kimam and Muting the District of Merauke, West Papua Province. This area is lowland flora bersavana with similar flora Australian continent and swampy plains are covered with sago palms in rivers. Its population is approximately 5,000-7,000 people.


Anim said means male (anem for men, for women anum). This ethnic group has a number of sub-tribes, such as the Kanum-Anim, or Yei Yei-Anim-Nan, Yab-Anim, Maklew-Anim and Kurkari-Anim (In Papua New Guinea). While tribes neighbors include the Yelmek in the northwest, the Manikor (Mani) and Kurhari in the east, the Manggrat-Rik in the lower reaches of the river Maro, People Boazi near Lake Fly and Murray whose waters flow into the territory of Papua New Guinea.


      " AMANAI "

thanks for dropping by and see a little diversity of tribes in Papua island may be useful and add insight !!!
 :) :) :)